Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Giveaway Winner Is Announced

Thanks to all of you who entered my most recent giveaway on My Barnyard View's Facebook page. It was fun reading about your favorite Christmas traditions. I learned that many of you have recipes and traditions I was not familiar with, and I loved the conversations begun through our comments. 

Here is just a few of my favorites-

Alison wrote- "I have always enjoyed making cookies and candies at Christmas time. Even as a youngster I went to Grandma's to bake with her. Still now I bake with my mom and daughters! We have them ready in the freezer to take to parties, and to hand out as gifts." 

Jadeen shared- "Our favorite tradition is my father is Flea Market Santa! Beautiful, unique gifts that he purchased from the heart from flea markets! He loves his hobby selling costume jewelry at area Flea Markets! Our children will pass down this loving family tradition hopefully forever!" 

Joyce has a tradition I hadn't heard before- "Having the grandkids all "hide" on Christmas Eve while Santa brings treat sacks for everyone. It doesn't seem long ago that it was me hiding, now it's my 4 kids. My mom loves this tradition. She'll be 81 next week!" 

Joanna spends time with her neighbors- "Every year we invite the neighbors who have children to come over to our house for a cookie decorating party. Each family brings something to eat for breakfast and the kids come in their PJ's. We eat together, we catch up on each others lives, the kids decorate cookies and go on a candy cane hunt. It's a wonderful time to slow down and connect." 

Leslie says- "My favorite tradition is making Santa cookies before bedtime on Christmas Eve and listening to my husband read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas to our kids. FYI- Our littles aren't so little anymore, and he still reads it every Christmas Eve!" 


(Please private message me your address and your prize will be in the mail.)

Thanks to everyone who entered and shared their favorite Christmas traditions. I hope you will stop by often to see what's happening at my barnyard!

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