Monday, February 9, 2015

You Can't Keep A Good Man Down

Dairy farms are all about routine. Each day we follow a strict schedule for feeding, milking and caring for our cows. Keeping our girls on schedule helps to insure that we are keeping them healthy and content to provide quality milk.

Everyone in our family has specific chores that we do each day. That way we know everything is getting done and we can stay on that important schedule. So what happens when someone in the family isn't able to do their chores? Like Farmer John, for instance. Last time I shared with you that John was having a hospital staycation, you know, a vacation where they make you stay. 

Fortunately Sara, Michael, and I have supportive and understanding bosses at our jobs off the farm. They understand that even with our "head farmer" laid up, the farm work still needs to get done, so each of us took a few days off work to complete the farm duties. Farmer John and I are so blessed to have kids that always step up when needed. Thanks Sara and Michael!

John is home from his five day hospital stay, feeling great and happy to be back to what he loves doing. Routine may be boring to some folks, but to us it's assurance that we are getting the job done, and doing it well.

Farmer John heads off to start the daily routine.
According to Sara, there is only one downside to having John back home...the first night back to milking John had to personally greet each cow, "How you doing Penny? Hey Weezy. How's it going?" Another one hundred twenty-eight cows later... those greetings tend to slow down milking a bit. But that's o.k. It's a small price to pay for having John back home.

"Welcome back, John!"

Visit Dairy Makes Sense for recipes and more about dairy farming.


  1. Can't keep a farmer down--especially when surrounded by his family and his girls! Glad to hear Farmer John's home.

    1. Thanks Susan. We are both fortunate to be married to such devoted husbands and farmers!
