Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's Sundae Sunday

How appropriate that National Sundae Day is on a Sunday. 

Cousins Dara, Sara and Michael
My family has a long Sundae history. We have always been huge supporters of dairy farming and dairy foods. Along with my family, all of my mom and dad's siblings were dairy farmers, and many of my cousins too. You can bet there is always milk and ice cream at our family gatherings.

My mom and dad took their love of Sundaes to another level. My parents own and operate the "Dairy Diner," or what I like to call "Driving Miss Dairy." Miss Dairy served her tasty treats to fair-goers, auction buyers, and festival friends. Every delicious treat served was our way of promoting dairy and showing the pride we have as dairy farmers.  Besides Sundaes, malts, ice cream cones, and ice cold milk, Mom and dad also served other treats, but everything served included dairy. But with age comes change, and the Dairy Diner is now in semi-retirement. Miss Dairy, however, is a frequent guest at family events. Family reunion picnics, my mom and dad's 60th wedding anniversary and Sara's butterhead party held after she was named a Princess Kay finalist, have all played host to the Dairy Diner.

Ice cream Sundaes, I salute you. You are like a member of our family, and always will be! 

So what's your favorite Sundae topping? Leave a comment.