Friday, September 7, 2012

School Tools

Our Education Minnesota calendar from the State Fair
Crayons, pencils, notebooks! I remember when I was younger, how excited I was to go shopping for my school supplies. My parents were the practical, thrifty type, so it was usually the standard yellow pencils, solid color notebooks (no current cartoon characters or TV star covers for me) and I got the basic 24 Crayola box, even though I begged for the 64 Crayons with the built-in sharpener. But once the first day of school rolled around, I learned most of my classmates also had practical, thrifty parents!

With Labor Day behind us for another year, this means school began this week. Our daughter Sara and I are both employed by our local school district. Sara is an 8th grade English teacher. Many people have told her that she has already earned her place in Heaven as a reward for working with Middle-Schoolers, but she loves teaching and her students and wouldn't change a thing. I am always impressed by Sara's creative approach to teaching and the hours outside of her work day that she spends preparing. I often have a "proud mom" moment when parents tell me their child has Sara as a teacher, and they LOVE her!

School has begun, but not for me...yet. I am a Title 1 Instructional Assistant which means I help students that need a little extra help with reading or math. Later in September I will start my 15th year working with students in Kindergarten through Fourth Grade. I love, love, love my job and am thrilled when students have that "I get it!" look on their faces.

Now that the school supplies are bought, let's all remember that one of the most important school tools is a healthy breakfast. You can get some great breakfast ideas at dairy makes sense. I love the Yogurt and Banana Spice Muffins. Give them a try!

I hope your family has a wonderful school year with lots of  "I get it!" moments!


  1. I think you did get the 64 box with the sharpener a couple times. I, however, never progressed past the 16 box. Oh, the sacrifices we make for our younger siblings. ;-)

  2. I may have gotten the box of 64 crayons but that was to compensate for the hand-me-down clothes I had to wear!
