Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Once Upon A Christmastime

Cow Christmas 
Once Upon A Christmastime

Once upon a Christmastime
The angels sang with joy,
To herald the coming
Of a precious Baby Boy.
Their shouting filled the heavens
And shook the mighty earth,
And sent the sheperds searching
For the place of His glorious birth.
And when they found the manger
And gazed upon His face,
They knelt in adoration
In that low and holy place.
Oh, Father, fill me with the love
That filled the earth that night,
A love that reaches throughout the world,
And fills it with your light. 

Dona M. Maroney

 Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas 
and the joy of knowing God's greatest gift of all!

Love from the Bremers

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