I'm taking you on a journey from A to Z through the land of dairy!
There's no need to pack your bags, just come along!
W Is For Websites
W Is For Websites
There is something new on my blog today. Can you find it?

It's a new tab labeled "DAIRY WEBSITES TO VISIT" and it is near the top of the page. If you click on those words it will take you to a listing of my favorite websites that help to tell the dairy story. I have included a short explanation of what you will find at each site. These sites have made my favorites list because they are reputable and fact based. There are many other websites about dairy farming and dairy foods, but be careful...my Dad always told me, "don't believe everything you read." Opinions about farming and dairy foods are fine, but make sure they are not being passed off as fact.
While you are looking around my HOME page, take a look over to the right side of my post. You will see the icons for Twitter (blue), Pinterest (red) and Google+ (orange). I encourage you to click on any or all of them to follow me. (It's easy to set up a free account if you don't already have one). This is where I share spur-of-the-moment thoughts and photos along with notifications when I write a new blog post.
I appreciate each of you taking the time to visit my barnyard and learning more about where dairy comes from. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the kind words and support for My Barnyard View.
Learn more about dairy at Dairy Makes Sense
I am making a commitment to share as much as I can with you each day this month, about the life of our dairy farm family including what we do, how we share our passion for dairy, and dairy foods we enjoy.
See you here tomorrow...X Is For eXcellent
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