Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Our Herd Increases

There is a baby boom at Bremer Farms!
We have had 28 calves born in 26 days.

 Each calf weighs about 90 pounds and can stand and walk, all within minutes of being born. Our newborn calves are fed colostrum, which is the first milk from the mama cow. Calves receive colostrum within hours of birth to receive antibodies from their mom, which protect them against disease in their early life. During the cold winter months each calf is outfitted with a coat to help them stay warm and comfortable.

 Like snowflakes, no two calves have exactly the same pattern of spots. This little cutie, although red and white is still a Holstein. Typically Holstein cows and calves are black and white, however the red and white Holsteins are a product of recessive genes. Do you see the black spot to the right of this calf? That's her calf coat...the coat that is supposed to keep her warm. Yep, this little stinker shimmied out of it, but not for long. After this picture was taken, she was bundled up again. We want our babies to be comfy!

Speaking of increasing the herd-

Here is the newest additions to my "indoor" herd. Since we live on a dairy farm, cows just keep appearing! Family and friends see them, and before you can say "Moo" they are in my hands. You see, if you know me, you know I love cows, and sometimes it's nice to enjoy the kind you don't have to feed or clean-up after! Thanks to church friends Turney and Ruth, co-worker Barb, and cousin Alex for the new bovines!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The BIG Reveal

Today's the day I share with you about my Christmas In The Country Secret Santa gift exchange. Remember? I wrote about Christmas In The Country, explaining that I would be matched with another blogger from across the country who I would send a gift to. My mission was to explore her blog to learn about her interests and likes, and then mail her a surprise Christmas gift that not only "fit" her, but shared a bit about me.

I sent my gift to Kay Schrock from A Ranch Mom. Kay lives on a ranch in Wyoming with her real life cowboy husband and 4 adorable children. This is what I sent to Kay and her family.

And here is the note I included to Ranch Mom Kay. 
It explains why I chose this gift for her.

After sending the gift off to Kay in Wyoming, it was my turn to wait to see where and who my gift was from. 
Drum roll please...my gift was from Kay in Wyoming!
Yep, we had each others names in the gift exchange.
This is the gift I received from Kay, the Ranch Mom.

And here's my note from Kay...

My gift was great!  I mean who doesn't like cute notepaper, chocolate (!!) and new socks with no holes, but my favorite part of the gift was the note cards Kay had made from a photo she took on the ranch. When you see her blog, A Ranch Mom you will discover her love of photography, and these cards are a beautiful way to share a peek at the ranch. Thanks, Kay!

Thanks also to the organizers of Christmas in the Country 2014
Sign me up for 2015, please!